A regular woman that

decided one day, "I can do it too." 


If you are looking for help with how to expand your following, start your Youtube channel, or improve an existing one, Millionaire Content Club is your answer. My purpose is so much deeper than just creating an income. I truly wish to create an impact in the lives of others with content creating a career in social media has done for me.
My journey began after seeing so many people sharing what they loved like makeup tutorials or fashion hauls. It looked fun, and I wanted in. Creating content became my escape from a difficult time in my life from dealing with the sadness my mom’s declining health caused. Youtube became my outlet and something I looked forward to when waking up from a less-than-perfect relationship.
My community helped my self-esteem because I was helping people look and feel good and once the money started coming in, I was hooked.
Social media upgraded my life and it can do the same for you.